How to Create an infinitely Looping 3D logo using Cinema 4D, After Effects, and Cineware

You might see those small little network logos animating and spinning in the corner of the TV screen all the time. In this Cinema 4D Lite and After Effects CC tutorial, I go over how to get a looping 3D logo to animate seamlessly in Cinema 4D, and how to use Cineware and Time Remapping in After Effects to loop only one spin, and save on the render time. Which is good because who wants more render time?

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Switch between multiple Cinema 4D Cameras in After Effects using Cineware

Switching between multiple 3D cameras in Cinema 4D or other 3D apps can get tricky. Previously you would need to take the editor approach, either by rendering out all frames of multiple cuts and editing back together, or by exporting an After Effects CC project file. Now with the Cineware Connection in After Effects CC, you can cut between multiple cameras in the same project file quickly and easily. This is one of my favorite features and techniques of using Cineware, and in this Cinema 4D & After Effects CC tutorial video I'll show you how I do it.

Looking for more Tips on Cinema 4D Camera Animation?

Check out Part 1, Cinema 4D Camera Animation Tips, Tricks, and Tags

Check out Part 2 on Cinema 4D Camera Properties

Don't forget Part 3 on Cinema 4D Camera Rigs

And Watch Part 4 on Setting up a Cinema 4D MultiCam Workflow

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

Animating the Camera Crane and other Camera Rigs in Cinema 4D

There are some really fun built-in camera rigs in Cinema 4D that you can grab to simulate realistic camera rigs, such as cranes, steadicams, and stereo rigs. There are a lot of settings for each one to get that green green guy to bob and weave with your camera correctly, so in this video I cover some of my favorite techniques for using the built-in Cinema 4D camera rigs.

In this Cinema 4D R16 camera tutorial, Part 3 of the Cinema 4D Camera Series, Learn to work with and animate the built in Cinema 4D camera rigs, including the Target Camera, Stereo Camera, Motion Camera, and Camera Crane.

Looking for more Tips on Cinema 4D Camera Animation?

Check out Part 1, Cinema 4D Camera Animation Tips, Tricks, and Tags

Check out Part 2 on Cinema 4D Camera Properties

Don't forget Part 3 on Cinema 4D Camera Rigs

And Watch Part 4 on Setting up a Cinema 4D MultiCam Workflow

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

How to use 3D Stroke to Generate particles using Trapcode Particular

In this After Effects and Trapcode Particular tutorial, learn how to use Trapcode 3D Stroke to emit particles from Trapcode Particular, as well as combining other Red Giant Trapcode plug-ins in Adobe After Effects. This Trapcode Particular tutorial also includes a general overview of Trapcode 3D Stroke, Particular, Shine, and Starglow effects for After Effects CC.

You can do a lot with Trapcode Particular, whether it is emitting custom particle shapes, images, or videos, or emitting particles from custom shapes, objects, or videos. I had the question of how to emit particles from another Red Giant plug-in - 3D Stroke - and have the particles animating while the 3D stroke is animating. This one stumped me for a bit, so I got to work to try to figure out how it could be done. This tutorial goes over my technique for solving this problem of how to emit particles from animating 3D stroke lines.

In this After Effects and Trapcode Particular tutorial, learn how to use Trapcode 3D Stroke to emit particles from Trapcode Particular, as well as combining other Red Giant Trapcode plug-ins in Adobe After Effects.

This Trapcode Particular tutorial also includes a general overview of Trapcode 3D Stroke, Particular, Shine, and Starglow effects for After Effects CC. I also cover basic expressions and After Effects animation tips.

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

How to use Depth of Field, Motion Blur and 3D Camera Properties in Cinema 4D

A great thing about working with Cinema 4D Cameras is that you can recreate realistic effects we would see in real cameras, such as Depth of Field, Motion Blur, and other camera properties. Tackling these camera properties starts with some understanding of how actual cameras function, so in this video I cover how these aspects work in physical cameras, and then outline how to create the same effects in Cinema 4D.

In this Cinema 4D Camera Tutorial, learn tips on working with real camera properties in Cinema 4D R16, such as Focal Length, Aperture, Depth of Field, and Motion Blur. Achieve great Cinema 4D camera results by combining these tips with the previous tutorial about Creating Cinematic Camera Animation in Cinema 4D.

Looking for more Tips on Cinema 4D Camera Animation?

Check out Part 1, Cinema 4D Camera Animation Tips, Tricks, and Tags

Check out Part 2 on Cinema 4D Camera Properties

Don't forget Part 3 on Cinema 4D Camera Rigs

And Watch Part 4 on Setting up a Cinema 4D MultiCam Workflow


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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

Camera Tips, Tricks, and Tags for Cinema 4D Camera Animation

You can do a lot with camera animation in Cinema 4D scenes, whether it is animating the camera, attaching it to nulls, or using some useful Tags to control the camera movement. In this video, I cover some of my favorite camera animation tips for creating better camera movement in Cinema 4D.

Some of these Cinema 4D Camera Animation Tips include:
• Camera Keyframe Animation
• Parenting Cameras to Nulls
• Camera tags such as Align to Spline, Target, and Look at Camera

Looking for more Tips on Cinema 4D Camera Animation?

Check out Part 2 on Cinema 4D Camera Properties

Don't forget Part 3 on Cinema 4D Camera Rigs

And Watch Part 4 on Setting up a Cinema 4D MultiCam Workflow

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

How to animate flat 2D images within 3D scenes using Cinema 4D

Working with 3D objects is great and all, but what if you have a flat product image, and you need it to be a part of your Cinema 4D scene, but it needs to really pop? In this tutorial I cover a technique I discovered while dealing with this question on a recent project, and how to use Luminance Materials in Cinema 4D to get flat 2D product images to integrate into Cinema 4D scenes. Go pick up your 99% sale VCRs before they're all gone!

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

How to create Dynamic Simulations linked to 3D Cameras in Cinema 4D

A really fun thing you can do with Cinema 4D and 3D apps is to create dynamics simulations and let things roll around and clank into each other. It can be a bit tricky to set up and get the switch right on everything, so in this tutorial I aimed to cover how to set it up on some pint glasses, and also link cameras inside of the dynamic objects, to get a unique perspective on the action!

In this Cinema 4D tutorial, learn how to set up dynamics simulations and 3D camera animation in Cinema 4D R15. This Cinema 4D Dynamics and 3D animation tutorial covers animating a 3D pint glasses using Dynamics tags and linking Cinema 4D cameras to the Dynamics simulations. In After Effects, learn about setting up tags to send over Cinema 4D information and set up Object Buffers to use for track mattes and compositing.

Be sure to check out Part 1, Model and Texture the pint glass in Cinema 4D R15

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

Learn to Model & Texture a photo-real Pint Glass with Cinema 4D

In this Cinema 4D Tutorial, learn to model a 3D pint glass in Cinema 4D, create a realistic glass texture from scratch, then add materials to the glass, and add final color correction in Photoshop. Cinema 4D texturing tutorial. This Cinema 4D tutorial covers basic modeling and texturing techniques, as well as working with Global Illumination in Cinema 4D.

Creating a realistic glass material in Cinema 4D can be a real challenge. In this Cinema 4D tutorial, I work to recreate a pint glass with multiple painted decals as closely as possible. Working from a photo reference when doing 3D modeling and texturing can be a great way to learn, and present unique challenges. For this one I took a look at the pint glasses I ordered for my wedding, and see if I can recreate them in 3D. My wife is always telling me how she wants more 3D renderings of our stuff!

This Cinema 4D tutorial covers basic 3D modeling and texturing techniques, as well as working with Global Illumination in Cinema 4D.

Part 2 of This Cinema 4D Tutorial covers adding dynamics simulations and camera animations.

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

Over 100 Cinema 4D shortcuts, tips, and tricks

A great thing about working in Cinema 4D is all of the shortcuts. SO many shortcuts. When working in 3D, VFX, and design, I'm always trying to work as quickly as possible. Whether you are a beginner or advanced Cinema 4D user, there are hundreds of shortcuts and customization options that could speed up your workflow. In this tutorial, I go over some of my favorite shortcut tips and tricks, as well as setting up a custom workspace, creating Cinema 4D Dynamics Animation, and other great beginner tips and tricks.

This Cinema 4D tutorial also covers how to customize the dock, global menu, and layout, shortcuts for working faster with textures, tags, modeling, animation, dynamics, rendering, and the Cinema 4D workspace.

25 minutes packed full of Cinema 4D shortcuts and productivity tips!

Here is a link to my workspace file:

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

Model a 3D Bike from scratch using Cinema 4D

One of the best ways to learn 3D modeling in Cinema 4D is to look around at existing objects, and try to break them down and recreate them in 3D. It brings up unique challenges that you can tackle with a variety of tools. After staring at my wife's bike in our apartment a few years ago, I decided to do just that, and see if I could make a 3D bike using some fun Cinema 4D tools, and also try to block it out as quickly as possible.

In this Cinema 4D 3D Modeling tutorial, learn to model a bicycle with Cinema 4D R16 in a half hour. This video covers basics of Cinema 4D Modeling and shortcuts to rapidly build the basic the outline of a hard surface objects, as well as various Cinema 4D modeling tips and tricks.

Here is a link to download the photo of my wife's awesome bike that I used as a reference for the modeling:

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!

Design a 3D logo with Adobe Illustrator CC

Learn to create an extruded 3D logo in Adobe Illustrator, as well as some of my other favorite illustrator tips and tricks. The tutorial also covers using pantone chips and the color guide in Illustrator, as well as how to properly bring the final logo into Photoshop or After Effects.

Logo design is a huge field, and you can go about designing a logo in Illustrator CC in a variety of ways. One of the coolest features in illustrator (in my opinion!) is the 3D options, where you can take flat, 2-dimensional vector art, and extrude it, rotate it, and even change the perspective to simulate lens effects. In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a 3-D logo using these techniques, as well as many other Adobe illustrator tips and tricks.

In this Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 tutorial, learn how to create a 3D logo with real perspective. This tutorial covers some of my favorite illustrator CC tips and tricks for creating 3D depth and perspective in Adobe Illustrator, while keeping everything in vector format, which is ideal for creating logos.

The tutorial also covers using pantone chips and the color guide in Illustrator, as well as how to properly bring the final logo into Photoshop or After Effects.

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To get weekly Motion Graphics, VFX, and 3D animation tutorials be sure to subscribe to the show on YouTube!