How to use 3D Stroke to Generate particles using Trapcode Particular

In this After Effects and Trapcode Particular tutorial, learn how to use Trapcode 3D Stroke to emit particles from Trapcode Particular, as well as combining other Red Giant Trapcode plug-ins in Adobe After Effects. This Trapcode Particular tutorial also includes a general overview of Trapcode 3D Stroke, Particular, Shine, and Starglow effects for After Effects CC.

You can do a lot with Trapcode Particular, whether it is emitting custom particle shapes, images, or videos, or emitting particles from custom shapes, objects, or videos. I had the question of how to emit particles from another Red Giant plug-in - 3D Stroke - and have the particles animating while the 3D stroke is animating. This one stumped me for a bit, so I got to work to try to figure out how it could be done. This tutorial goes over my technique for solving this problem of how to emit particles from animating 3D stroke lines.

In this After Effects and Trapcode Particular tutorial, learn how to use Trapcode 3D Stroke to emit particles from Trapcode Particular, as well as combining other Red Giant Trapcode plug-ins in Adobe After Effects.

This Trapcode Particular tutorial also includes a general overview of Trapcode 3D Stroke, Particular, Shine, and Starglow effects for After Effects CC. I also cover basic expressions and After Effects animation tips.

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