How to create Dynamic Simulations linked to 3D Cameras in Cinema 4D

A really fun thing you can do with Cinema 4D and 3D apps is to create dynamics simulations and let things roll around and clank into each other. It can be a bit tricky to set up and get the switch right on everything, so in this tutorial I aimed to cover how to set it up on some pint glasses, and also link cameras inside of the dynamic objects, to get a unique perspective on the action!

In this Cinema 4D tutorial, learn how to set up dynamics simulations and 3D camera animation in Cinema 4D R15. This Cinema 4D Dynamics and 3D animation tutorial covers animating a 3D pint glasses using Dynamics tags and linking Cinema 4D cameras to the Dynamics simulations. In After Effects, learn about setting up tags to send over Cinema 4D information and set up Object Buffers to use for track mattes and compositing.

Be sure to check out Part 1, Model and Texture the pint glass in Cinema 4D R15

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