Learn to Recreate the "Call of Duty: Black Ops III" Logo in After Effects using Trapcode Particular

When I first saw the Call of Duty: Black Ops III logo in a teaser trailer, I was a big fan of what was done for the logo animation. It has some very subtle animation, and yet there is a lot of detail in there. I wanted to see how closely I could recreate it using After Effects CC, and some Trapcode Particular techniques. To get the job done I also developed some techniques using track mattes in After Effects. Check out the video to see how it is done!

In part 1 of this tutorial, learn to create the Black Ops 3 logo in After Effects and Adobe Illustrator.

Want to get the project file for this tutorial? You can purchase it in the online store for just a couple dollars!

In this 2 part After Effects tutorial, we'll use Trapcode Particular to create the fire effects for the Black Ops 3 Logo. Be sure to check out Part 2 at this video!

Get Trapcode Particular through my Amazon Affiliate link here:

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