Intro to 3D Modeling in Cinema 4D

Getting the basics down of 3D modeling in Cinema 4D is a really important skill, and will help your 3D workflow. The intro tools can be a bit hidden beneath the surface of the tools, so in this Cinema 4D tutorial, I'll go over how to model a 3D house starting with a cube, and cover a lot of the 3D modeling tools found in Cinema 4D.

This includes basic C4D 3D modeling techniques in such as working in points/edges/lines mode, different ways to manipulate 3D geometry, converting 3D objects to geometry, beveling edges, and many more 3D modeling tips and tricks. This Cinema 4D tutorial video will also focus on many beginner and intermediate C4D shortcuts and commands.

Be sure to check out Part 2 of the tutorial, where we'll add more detail, get into Bool objects, and start working with Cloners!

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